Αλτερνατίβα Inc. || Thursdays 21.00 - 23.00 @ redrock.gr

Τετάρτη 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Life Happened!

..and then what happened? - Life happened! 

They say, it takes about half the time of a relationship to get over it. Is that true? I don't quite have the answer, but what i might know is that there comes a time that you can't face things as they used to be in your mind. Then again, there's this one other time that you simply cannot see what is up to come.

As we grow old we happen to experience a deeper psychological combat with ourselves and it's a bit more difficult to overcome it. So, despite the current circumstances, it is not at all possible to predict how you may react within a bidirectional communication with someone,.. someone you never imagined of being present. I bet that neither did he know a thing..

You smile and you don't know why - you wait for him to show up - your lips turn red by bites when you finally get to talk to him.. you even think of moments when he's not around.. and the best part, you don't even know him.

How can this be? It's so bloody confusing and outstanding at the same time. Still, you have the least clues of what this will lead into.. still you don't quite care as long as it pleases you, even at that point.

Well. that is the mystery of reality and it is one of those moments you don't get to forget, no matter what. It's life, .. and it's happening!

Δευτέρα 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

life in a few drops

I want to know what you’d do to me
I just said that
You just said that.

Just kissed the top of the head.
Ever so gently ...

- You did?
- Yes.

And then ...
I kissed your eyelids ...
And they flattered beneath my lips just a little
- A little ...

And ... very very slowly ...
I just grazed your lips ...with mine.
But because you're married,
I did not dare to kiss them.

- No.
- No.

Instead, I went
slowly into your neck ...
And ... I kissed every inch of it.
And I stopped for a while ...
I kissed the birth mark ... you have
on your left shoulder.

Yeah, that.
And ...
I ... smelled you
I really inhale that i smelled you.

How do I smell?

You smell like you.
Like the smell on the plane.
As you smell now.
A mixture ...
Sweetness ... and ...
... Fuck.

And then I kissed your breasts.
And I licked her nipples ...
And stayed there ...
in no time.

And ... I touch you softly
in the beginning, but ...
I understood from ...
Your reaction to that ..
You do not want ...
To be gentle.


And then I thought, that
How does every point
of your body react.
 And I worked almost
one and a half week ...
... With your body ...
And ... I started to learn.
And to know.
Each detail.
I played with you ...

Before ... I went inside of you
Before you stretch your legs ...

Fuck you ... loudly
Fuck you harder
than I wanted.
But I could not
to resist.

And I pulled
Your soft hair ...
And was moving ...
inside you ...
Fucked your mouth ...
Every point ... and you ...

Until we were turned on ...
so much ...
We could not ...
see clearly, and ...

I told you ... and again
again, "I love you."


Mock on, Mock on..

Mock on, Mock on, Voltaire, Rousseau;
Mock on, Mock on, 'tis all in vain.
You throw the sand against the wind,
And the wind blows it back again.

And every sand becomes a Gem
Reflected in the beams divine;
Blown back, they blind the mocking Eye,
But still in Israel's paths they shine.

The Atoms of Democritus
And Newton's Particles of light
Are sands upon the Red sea shore
Where Israel's tents do shine so bright.

William Blake

[inspired by the film "Liberal Arts" 2012]

Παρασκευή 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Broken Crown


Touch my mouth and hold my tongue
I'll never be your chosen one
I'll be home safely tucked away
Well You can't tempt me if I don't see the day

The pull on my flesh was just too strong
Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs
Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie
'Cause when I opened my body I breathe in a lie

I will not speak of your sins
There was a way out for him
The mirror shows not
Your values are all shot

But oh my heart, was flawed I knew my weakness
So hold my hand consign me not to darkness

So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down
I'll never wear your broken crown
I took the road and I fucked it all away
Now in this twilight, how dare you speak of grace

So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down
I'll never wear your broken crown
I can take the road and I can fuck it all away
But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate

Πέμπτη 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

keep your clothes on

I watched you change into a fly i looked away you were on fire, cause i'm on fire.. let's sleep together right now, relieve the pressure somehow.. you let me violate you, you let me desecrate you... i'm going to take my time..i have all the time in the world..



A simple fear to wash you away 
An open mind canceled it today 
A silent song that's in your words 
A different taste that's in your mind

This is the life on mars 

Mary was a different girl
Had a thing for astronauts
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to play a lot
Mary was a holy girl
Father whet her appetite
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to fall apart

Tell me did you see her face
Tell me did you smell her taste
Tell me what’s the difference
Don’t they all just look the same inside?
Buddha for Mary, here it comes

Mary was an acrobat
But still she couldn’t seem to breathe
Mary was becoming everything she didn’t want to be
Mary would hallucinate
And see the sky upon the wall
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to fly

Tell me did you see her face
Tell me did you smell her taste
Tell me what’s the difference
Don’t they all just look the same inside?
Buddha for Mary, here it comes

This is the life on mars 
This is the life

He said, "Can you hear me, are you sleeping?"
She said, "Will you rape me now?"
He said, "Leave the politics to mad men"
She said, "I believe your lies"
He said, "There's a paradise beneath me" 
She said, "Am I supposed to bleed?" 
He said, "You better pray to Jesus" 
She said, "I don't believe in god" 

Mary was a different girl
Had a thing for astronauts
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to play a lot
Mary was a holy girl
Father whet her appetite
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to fall apart

Buddha for Mary, here it comes 
Here it comes

Τετάρτη 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

μνήμη vs ανοχή

Μεγάλη συνειδητοποίηση σου λέει.. μόλις θυμήθηκα πως έπαψα να θυμάμαι. Ναι, εγώ που σας μιλώ! Αυτό το ψυχάκι με τα νούμερα, τις ημερομηνίες και τις μνήμες. Το βλέπω με την πάροδο του χρόνου αυτό.. δεν θυμάμαι στιγμές που μετρούσα με χτυποκάρδια και στιγμές που έπαιζαν κάποτε αυτόματη ταινία στο μυαλό. Όλο αυτό έσκασε απότομα τούτη την στιγμή διότι κατάλαβα πως πέρασαν οι μέρες, οι εβδομάδες, οι μήνες, τα χρόνια ..και εγώ σκεφτόμουν να κάνω και να προλάβω κάτι άλλο, με αποτέλεσμα να χάσω εκείνον τον προσδιορισμό της χρονικής μνήμης που θα με ταξίδευε για λίγο στο τότε. σκατά. νομίζω πως τώρα δεν εσωκλείομαι νοητικά σε καμία χρονική στιγμή. 

Πρακτικά πάει κάπως έτσι... 

- το χθες πέρασε και είναι αργά για να το σκέφτομαι τώρα

-  σήμερα απλά βλέπω τις ώρες να περνούν, βιαστικές και άδειες

- το αύριο δεν έχω ιδέα με τι μοιάζει αλλά με κουράζει πολύ το σήμερα για να σκέφτομαι το αύριο

Παίζει και να βαρέθηκα, απλά. Παίζει και απλά να τους σιχάθηκα όλους.

Το κακό είναι ότι αυτοί θα σκεφτούν πως μάλλον έκαναν κάτι κακό και πως η τιμωρία είναι η απουσία μου. Αμ δε ρε φίλε, λες να σπαταλούσα τόση ενέργεια για σένα, την στιγμή που δεν σπαταλάω ούτε για μένα ενέργεια. ΝΟΤ.

Πάλι καλά που κάποτε έγραφα και σε κείνο το notebook κι αν θέλω να φρεσκάρω μνήμη, μπορώ απλά να το ξεφυλλίσω. Τι να λέει άραγε; Ναι, πάλι θα εξιστορώ ρομαντικά εκείνο το φιλί και το παιχνιδιάρικο βλέμμα.. Μήπως κι αυτά έχουν κάποια σημασία πια; 

Είχαμε την κρίση, είχαμε τις απεργίες, τρομοκρατία, ξύλο, φτώχια και έρχεται σε μία βδομάδα πάλι ο γαμωβαλεντίνος να μας θυμίσει ότι δεν έχουμε και γκόμενο.. Και μαζί του φέρνει όλους τους καμμένους του κόσμου να ποστάρουν όποια μαλακία μπορεί να αποδείξει ότι δεν πληρούν τις προϋποθέσεις για συντήρηση εγκεφάλου μέσα στο κουφιοκέφαλο τους. 

Δεν θέλω να σας βλέπω μαλάκες ανεγκέφαλοι.

Δεν ανέχομαι τους δήθεν φλωροκουλτουριάρηδες, που γράφουν στάτους ένα ποίημα, του λες "πω ρε φίλε τι είπες" και απαντά με ποίημα (πάλι) Δύο περιπτώσεις παίζουν, είτε όντως είναι τόσο καμμένος ή είναι τόσο ψωνισμένος με την πάρτη του που δεν συμβιβάζεται με τίποτα λιγότερο της τελειότητας (δηλαδή αρχίδια).

Δεν θέλω ούτε τις παλιόκοτες που όταν δεν έχουν γκόμενο θυμούνται πως είσαι όλος ο κόσμος τους. Τώρα που εγώ χέστηκα, δεν σε χάλασε..

Και πάνω απ'ολα δεν ανέχομαι εκείνα τα φλωρόπαιδα (97% του νεανικού πληθυσμού μας) που το κωλοβαράνε και το ξύνουν μέρα με την μέρα και μετά μου θέλουν και επανάσταση. ασταδιάλα ρε. βύζαξε λίγο να θυμηθείς την θέση σου.

Και εσύ που το διαβάζεις τώρα αυτό, πάρε ρε φίλε μια μπύρα και πάμε να περπατήσουμε στην πόλη μας γιατί το βαρέθηκα κι αυτό το γαμωδιαδίκτυο.. με κρατάει μακρυά απ'το να είμαι "άνθρωπος". 

Άκου και αυτό για να ισιώσεις/ισιώσω..


Σάββατο 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Deprived, depressed or dehumanized?

I live surrounded by cherished memories
I have a weakness for collecting them
As far as i recall my childish rituals 
Icons of that world
Always filled my shelves and heart

Now i shelter from the rain
Hole up in my cage
You don't have to think too much today
They filled in for your brain

Curled up - Deprived
I shut away

In a world of synonyms
And handwritten notes
My own puppet performances
Endless bedtime stories
I could touch the moon 
And switch off the sun
I could have my dreams 
And dream about better times